15:16:44 Sambata 23.12.2017

Sursa https://i.pinimg.com/originals/44/9e/ed/449eed11960c7c3ca290c18c1689de91--mary-and-martha-bible-pictures.jpg Web, "... Martha received him into her house. And [her] sister Mary sat at Jesus' feet and heard his word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and ..."

Craciun fericit! Marta, Crăciun fericit! Marta

Ora Exacta OraExacta.net Ora Exacta, secunda cu secunda: 15:16:44 Sambata 23.12.2017 Ceasul tau indica ora exacta! Nou! Acum poti afisa ora exacta din Romania direct pe pagina ta!

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Стефания Дерябина

19:48:20 Luni 07.08.2017